Join on-line by using PayPal
You can join RCCC on-line using PayPal or you can download the application at the bottom of this page, complete and mail to address on the bottom of application.
Join RCCC (not necessary when renewing use PayPal below))
Join or Renew River City Corvette using PayPal
Registration is not complete until payment is made.
RCCC Application print and mail to address on form
By submitting this registration I agree to abide by the River City Corvette Club Inc. By-laws and Code of Conduct. In consideration of my membership, I do hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the River City Corvette Club, Inc., any of its members, officers, directors, organizers, associates or the like for any injury or damage however caused, which may result from my participation in any event sponsored or co-sponsored by the River City corvette Club, Inc. I also agree to obey all applicable vehicle laws and principles of safe driving.